Monday, April 30, 2007

Pink mood?

Perlefryd is in a pink mood… My studio is actually 99,5 % finished. I need some lights, but otherwise it`s finally done!!

Of course I forgot to take some pictures of my beautiful desk and the chaos on it, but maybe tomorrow… I made some beads yesterday, pink beads! I’m not really a pink person, but sometimes an online order can make you change ;-) So now I like pink!

They are not very sophisticated, but still I like the effect. I made some earrings and a few other jewelry-pieces:

Uhh…. And I’m working on my kahla-lilies ;-) I don’t know the origin of the design, but I’m sure there’s someone I should have mentioned.. Anyway, here it the first (of many) distorted kahla-beads:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I love my new studio!

(Norsk) I spent the weekend in my studio... And here is the result, many of them have already been delivered to their new owners! I have been playing with ivory, silver and topas... (I`ve made a matching necklace):

These turcoise and silver-beads are mine, mine!! (But I can make another, different set if anyone else likes it?)

Another of my fawourites; ivory, silver and my secret blend of pink frit...

Ohh, I almost forgot: Lady Beatrice af Laadegaard, your beads are ready, awaiting the forthcoming soarè. I bead you farewell for now.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

There and back again..

Easter holidays are finaly over and I`m back in Town...

We (Knight Roger, Bog-queen Maya and myself) were at the cabin for nearly a Week. Whoooa! Mountains, skiing, snow and a bit of wind, actally by that I mean a lot...

But there is work to be done! Both lampwork and in Real Life. We are still contructing my studio, painting is done, but my new floor is waiting to be bought.. In the meantime I "work" under the kitchenstairs :-(

But, I keep experimenting! As a brand new member of the Beadmakers Blog Ring I learn new things every day - like silverfoil on ivory. I think about starting a Norwegian Beadmaker Society, I miss lampwork-friends!

It got a bit brown.. Maybe I barbeque it to long.

I think there is something wrong with my silver-wire.. But I like the effect of the stringers over the foil, it`s like a meandering river.

Update-picture of my studio:
This is the inside of the new wall, and the corner where I plan to put my glass-rods.. It`s a firewall with a oven on the other side. It looks a bit funny right now, but we are going to knock down the exsisting firewall and make a lovely new kitchen.... Just imagine eating breakfast a sunday morning, the oven is lit and you know you have a whole day at the torch. Mmmmm!